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Mecaline Chronographes - ETA E01.701 hinta

ETA E01.701 hinta ETA E01.701 hinta

Alkuperäpaikka: Maailma
valmistaja: CHINA Kiina Tukkuhinta ota yhteyttä
ETA E01.701 hinta kuvaus:
ETA E01.701 47∕8" 11,00mm FLATLINE H 2,50mm Analog display : – Hours, minutes – Electronic hand-setting by means of corrector, making it possible to move the hands forward minute by minute, hour by hour (time zone) or continuously – Corrections with push-piece in the back of the case or on the side 5 jewels Theoretical battery’s lifetime : – 60 months
Alennushinta: USD1
Tukkuhinta: USD1
Alennus: 10%

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